10/10/2023 Board Meeting
Matt Eberly – President
Bryce Cox – Vice President
Randy Plew-Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Will Gooden – 5th Board Member
Board Meeting Minutes for 08/15/2023 were provided via email to each Board Member prior to this meeting for review.
Minutes reviewed by all.
No changes were requested.
No changes were made.
Motion to accept Minutes by Plew
2nd by Cox
All agreed – the motion passed.
1st Draft of Annual meeting notes emailed on 10/09/2023 to all Board Members – these will be reviewed at the next Annual meeting in 2024 by the existing Board at that time.
R. Plew- Finance report
Balance as of today provided in check register emailed to Board is $15,803.04 and our 20K CD at the
bank for a total of $35,803.04 which will be posted to the website.
Randy is suggesting we consider adding a 2nd CD in 2024.
Existing CD matures in January 2024 and could also be added to at that time.
The email sent to Link Accounting to investigate taking over the billing & collection of pier fees and associated cost has not yet been returned.
Bryce will be at Link Accounting next week and will check to see if any information is available about our request.
Bryce & Matt will coordinate with Randy and meet to ensure that their names are listed on the EFAC accounts at Northwest bank, replacing Randy & Gerry on 01/01/2024.
Possible issues facing Board for 2024
Will asked a question about additional piers spots excluded from the 2016 judgement for a period, which was mentioned in the Annual meeting. This will need to be reviewed by the Board to see if we can find information documents on the temporary exclusion.
Lake front owner at pier 35 not allowing Off-shore pier 35A to be installed.
Jim Burton new person assigned at pier 104A, not on record as owner on GIS yet. Therefore, billing is going to the owner as shown on GIS (Kosciusko Government Record Site) until records are updated.
New Board members for EFAC in 2024
Mike Cummings will be replacing Gerry Powell for the Off-Shore members,
Randy & Matt will be working with the On-Shore members to provide for Randy’s replacement for 2024.
Both new members will be invited to attend the December EFAC meeting to get acclimated to the process of the EFAC Board and take over duties for the year 2024.
Will asked a question about EFAC’s involvement in the Board member elections. The answer to that question is there is no involvement. Off-shore & On-shore members as defined by the Court, are to elect a member from their ranks and notify EFAC as to their choice for their representative for the next three years. The member is then seated on the Board and the existing & new members then decide what role each member will handle. That being the position of President – Vice-President – Treasurer – Secretary.
Next meeting November 14th at 6pm EST
Motion to Adjourn by Cox – 2nd by Plew – All agreed- motion passed.
6:40pm EST
G. Powell – Secretary
Gerry L Powell