Face to face annual meeting with a handful of members that showed up.
Attending :
Matt introduced the board and gave a recap of the 2024 season.
Treasury :
Laura talked about sending out invoices and getting the 2025 invoices out earlier next year and asked for help from the members about new residents and about
Link Accounting sending out the invoices
The Osborns asked why people are taking so long to pay because they are paying for a boat in front of their home Sally Doll asked questions about the pier waiting list and getting her a pier space
Looking for areas where new piers can be placed so that we can shorten the waiting list’
How do the members feel about alternative methods to pay their invoices next year ?
Pier issues :
Steve Conner talked about pier 99A and his concerns with people using the pier and the renters who may use pier 99a he only wants a local regular renter using the pier.
Easement for the bay {99a} is by the split rail fence down by the conference
Call and talk with Jason Nolley {confrence call} JJason Nolley EFAC board and Steve Conner to come to an agreement for pier 99a look into a couple other unused rental piers