January 2025 Meeting Minutes
Attending :
Bryce approved the December minutes and Matt second them
Treasury :
Still working on the QR code as a way to pay pier fees for the 2025 season.
We paid Link Accounting for the 2024 season
Targeting early March for sending out the invoices for the 2025 season.
up dating pier transfers
Bank account :
Checking $ 22.280.00
CD $21,000.00
CD rolls over again in JUly
Pier 99a ;
for a plan for the meeting with the parties involved with its placement
Bryce motioned to end
Next meeting Feb 18th
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
December 2024 – Meeting Minutes
Attending :
Treasury :
Pay pier fees through QR code or PayPal and check
pier 102 only outstanding invoice for 2024
Target early March for getting the invoices out this year
PIER 99a :
Meet on site with Steve Conner and Jason Nolley before invoices go out to settle the situation
CD rolled over
contact someone at Kokomo Grace to get the fire lane sign back in place
Matt motion to end meeting Laura second
next meeting January 14th
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
2024 Annual Meeting Minutes – September
Face to face annual meeting with a handful of members that showed up.
Attending :
Matt introduced the board and gave a recap of the 2024 season.
Treasury :
Laura talked about sending out invoices and getting the 2025 invoices out earlier next year and asked for help from the members about new residents and about
Link Accounting sending out the invoices
The Osborns asked why people are taking so long to pay because they are paying for a boat in front of their home Sally Doll asked questions about the pier waiting list and getting her a pier space
Looking for areas where new piers can be placed so that we can shorten the waiting list’
How do the members feel about alternative methods to pay their invoices next year ?
Pier issues :
Steve Conner talked about pier 99A and his concerns with people using the pier and the renters who may use pier 99a he only wants a local regular renter using the pier.
Easement for the bay {99a} is by the split rail fence down by the conference
Call and talk with Jason Nolley {confrence call} JJason Nolley EFAC board and Steve Conner to come to an agreement for pier 99a look into a couple other unused rental piers
- Published in ANNUAL MINUTES
August Meeting Minutes
Attending :
Reviewed Julys minutes : Laura motioned to approve and Matt second
Treasury up date :
Ramseys have not paid 2 spots thinks he paid.
10 outstanding invoices, Laura will send an email with phone numbers for the outstanding invoices & divide them up to try and get them collected.
Pier 99a update :
Have Jason draw up rules for his renters and have Will Gooden look at the rules as it pertains to the renters of the property.
Give Jason Nolley a pier transfer form .
Wade Lane :
Have Will review the judgement on swapping pier locations ( Matt ) will inform Kurt about the review , Bryce motioned and Matt second
Annual meeting :
September 21st,
10 am @ NWCC
September meeting on the 10th 6pm
set the agenda for the annual meeting
Bryce motioned to end Laura second
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
June Meeting Minutes
Attending :
Treasure ***
Invoice open balance $1060.00
Link Accounting will resend outstanding invoices and add a 10.00 late fee. We were late sending invoices out we will give an extra 30 days and after that if pier holders are not current
we will follow the collection procedure as set in the by laws .
Pier 99a ***
Contact Steve Conner about the easement and pier placement of pier 99a.
99a I have talked with Steve Conner about the easement and placement and Jason Nolley , Steve Conner is dead on allowing easement and placement of the pier but he is willing to meet with
the board and Jason Nolley about the matter.
There is a provision in the by laws thats says Mr. Conner can waive his liability Jason Nolley is willing to assume the liability and put it in writing if need be as well as draft a pier use rule for his renter when
the time comes if that is good for Mr. Conner.
Next meeting July 9th 6pm
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
May Meeting Minutes
Attending :
** the minutes from April were reviewed and Bryce approved them and Laura second them.
** Treasury Report
There is $1600.00 in invoices still unpaid Some invoices were resent because of incorrect addresses and an invoice will be sent to the new owners on 9th Trail..
Would like to collect the outstanding balance of the invoices by the June meeting.
Review the CD balance of $20,924.00 the CD renews in October we have a balance of 21,422.00 in checking our taxes of $156.00 has been paid the boards insurance has been renewed and will be paid by the end of May.
*** Pier 99a
Need to get more information from the lakefront home owner and the non lakefront home owner about the pier location. Bryce will send the information he has to Will gooden.
I sent the former owner of pier 99 an email after the meeting in hopes she could shed some light on the situation , Carol responded back and said the owner of pier 99a had easement rights through her property and the pier was located at the edge of the property next to Toni Overmans property but had not been placed in a couple of years.
What do we owe Link Accounting ?
Laura will send Bryce Names and pier numbers
Laura motioned to adjourn and Bryce second the motion
next meeting June 10th 6pm
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
April Meeting Minutes
#1 Bryce approved March 12th minutes and Laura second them
#2 Taxes were filed through Link Accounting for 2023 year .
Need to follow up with Jeff to see what’s came in and what’s still outstanding.
CD balance
What are the plans for it’s balance and plans for the CD it’s self?
Invoices will go out next year in month of February
Off shore liability insurance proof 1 time or regular what dose the judgement say?
Work on EFAC board liability insurance for renewal.
Pier 99a
Contact previous owner for a reference point for it’s location
New home owners with a pier?
Follow up on pier transfer forms
Bryce motion to end Laura second next meeting
May 14th ,2024 6pm
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
March Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes March
Pier fees:
Link is ready to send out invoices.
Motion by Matt to send invoices for 2024 season Bryce approved the motion Matt second the Motion.
Pier 99a :
Bryce asked about 99a location, Motion was made to amend February’s notes regarding Pier 99a pending a review of the exact location of the placement of Pier 99a. Bryce approved the Motion and Laura second the Motion.
Non profit:
Check with Jeff at Link accounting about the non profit status and the income generated from the CDs.
Need to up date Pier holders contract information
How do we assure a Pier is in its correct place?
Bryce Motion to end the meeting and Laura second the Motion
Next meeting April 9th at 6pm
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
February Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes February 2024
Bryce cox – vice president
Matt Eberly – president
Will Gooden – 5th member
Laura Broadbent – Treasure
Mike Cumings – Secretary
Meeting minutes were reviewed Mike approved the 1/12/2024 minutes and Will second them until Laura arrived the Will removed his second and Laura second the minutes.
** Follow up on Jeff & link accounting transition is moving forward Randy Plew has everything ready to go for the transition, Link Accounting will send out invoices and collect pier fees.
** New Residents:
How can we inform new residents of their footage and their pier assignments as well as their pier fees?
** Bank Transition:
Laura and Bryce need to sign up on the account at Northwest to remove Gary Powell and Randy Plew from the account, the Treasurer, vice president and president will have access to the bank account.
** Board has to approve a check before Link Accounting can cut the check(follow up with Jeff on Links procedure for this)
** End of year meet rediscuss site for meeting plans.
** Pier 99a
Location is between Steve Connor and Toni Overman need to follow up with Jason Nolley (owner) about the exact location for pier 99a
Bryce Cox motioned to end the meeting
Next meeting 3/12/2024 6pm
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES