December Meeting Minutes
12/12/2023 Board Meeting
Matt Eberly – President
Bryce Cox – Vice President
Randy Plew-Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Will Gooden – Absent 5th Board Member
Mike Cumings – new Off-shore Member replacing Gerry Powell in January 2024
Laura Broadbent – new On-shore Member replacing Randy Plew in January 2024
Board Meeting Minutes for 11/14/2023 were provided via email to each existing Board Member and copied to the new Board Members prior to this meeting for review.
Minutes reviewed by all.
No changes were requested.
No changes were made.
Motion to accept Minutes by Plew
2nd by Cox
All agreed – the motion passed.
R. Plew- Finance report
No change from November 2023 figures.
Check register from Q-books will be sent via email to Matt and will add to the website finance page.
Only expenses were $5.00 per month for paper copies of bank statements to be mailed to EFAC PO Box for Randy to file with the Treasurers information he will be turning over to the new Board.
The email sent to LINK Accounting to investigate taking over the billing & collection of pier fees and associated cost has been reviewed. Matt is scheduling a meeting with LINK Accounting in the next few weeks to go over details of what needs to be accomplished and completed. Bryce will be included in this process and Randy will be contacted to supply a Q-Book copy of our financials for Matt, Bryce and LINK Accounting to review & move forward with this proposed conversion to invoicing by LINK Accounting rather than this being done by the EFAC Treasurer. The EFAC Treasurer will then be getting detailed information from LINK on the status of the invoicing process and with the yearly tax filing that LINK has been completing for EFAC these last six years.
Matt will be providing detailed information on the LINK Accounting proposal to the new Board at the January meeting. The newly seated Board will then make the final decision whether to proceed with the transfer or keep our same process in place for invoicing pier fees.
The USPS PO Box key for EFAC will be turned over by Randy to Matt Eberly. Matt will then provide this key to the new Treasurer and/or LINK Accounting based on the decision made by the new Board on the invoicing issue noted above.
The pier fees for 2024 will be addressed by the Board in January in conjunction with the invoicing process noted above.
Regarding 2023 pier fees – all but 2 were paid. Randy indicated that this might have been a mailing issue on his part with these two accounts. At this time, he has generously noted that he will process payment himself for these two accounts. This will then start off 2024 with a clean slate with no outstanding bills.
The information for one account has been updated in the EFAC files. The second address still has an issue – this belongs to J. Johnson noted as 6365 11th Trail – Pier 99A. During discussions about this property, it was noted that this will take some additional effort to resolve this invoice issue.
The good news is that both new Board members are familiar with this property location.
Gerry will be mailing CD paperwork from Northwest Bank to Matt for the new Board review. The new EFAC Board will coordinate with Randy as needed to ensure that the needed transition takes place and that the New Board Members are then listed on the EFAC account & CD at Northwest bank, replacing Randy & Gerry on 01/01/2024.
The new Board members were welcomed to the fold and their contact information is as follows.
Mike Cumings – – 574.528.07412
Laura Broadbent – – 317-752-2958
Gerry had facilitated email contact between Will Gooden our 5th Board member & Brian Pyle our previous 5th Board member to have the EFAC files transferred from Brian to Will, so any possible information that might be needed in the future will remain in EFAC possession.
Will Gooden was not in attendance at this December meeting, so the new Board will need to review this needed action at the January meeting to ensure that the transfer of information was completed.
Board meetings will continue to be on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at this time.
The new Board will review options on meeting times and adjust as needed at a future meeting.
Next meeting scheduled for January 9th at 6pm EST
Motion to Adjourn by Plew – 2nd by Cox – All agreed- motion passed.
6:24pm EST
G. Powell – Secretary
Gerry L Powell
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
October Meeting Minutes
10/10/2023 Board Meeting
Matt Eberly – President
Bryce Cox – Vice President
Randy Plew-Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Will Gooden – 5th Board Member
Board Meeting Minutes for 08/15/2023 were provided via email to each Board Member prior to this meeting for review.
Minutes reviewed by all.
No changes were requested.
No changes were made.
Motion to accept Minutes by Plew
2nd by Cox
All agreed – the motion passed.
1st Draft of Annual meeting notes emailed on 10/09/2023 to all Board Members – these will be reviewed at the next Annual meeting in 2024 by the existing Board at that time.
R. Plew- Finance report
Balance as of today provided in check register emailed to Board is $15,803.04 and our 20K CD at the
bank for a total of $35,803.04 which will be posted to the website.
Randy is suggesting we consider adding a 2nd CD in 2024.
Existing CD matures in January 2024 and could also be added to at that time.
The email sent to Link Accounting to investigate taking over the billing & collection of pier fees and associated cost has not yet been returned.
Bryce will be at Link Accounting next week and will check to see if any information is available about our request.
Bryce & Matt will coordinate with Randy and meet to ensure that their names are listed on the EFAC accounts at Northwest bank, replacing Randy & Gerry on 01/01/2024.
Possible issues facing Board for 2024
Will asked a question about additional piers spots excluded from the 2016 judgement for a period, which was mentioned in the Annual meeting. This will need to be reviewed by the Board to see if we can find information documents on the temporary exclusion.
Lake front owner at pier 35 not allowing Off-shore pier 35A to be installed.
Jim Burton new person assigned at pier 104A, not on record as owner on GIS yet. Therefore, billing is going to the owner as shown on GIS (Kosciusko Government Record Site) until records are updated.
New Board members for EFAC in 2024
Mike Cummings will be replacing Gerry Powell for the Off-Shore members,
Randy & Matt will be working with the On-Shore members to provide for Randy’s replacement for 2024.
Both new members will be invited to attend the December EFAC meeting to get acclimated to the process of the EFAC Board and take over duties for the year 2024.
Will asked a question about EFAC’s involvement in the Board member elections. The answer to that question is there is no involvement. Off-shore & On-shore members as defined by the Court, are to elect a member from their ranks and notify EFAC as to their choice for their representative for the next three years. The member is then seated on the Board and the existing & new members then decide what role each member will handle. That being the position of President – Vice-President – Treasurer – Secretary.
Next meeting November 14th at 6pm EST
Motion to Adjourn by Cox – 2nd by Plew – All agreed- motion passed.
6:40pm EST
G. Powell – Secretary
Gerry L Powell
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
Annual 2022 Approved Minutes
EFAC Annual Meeting – September 10th 2022 at 09:00AM
North Webster American Legion Post
Board Members – in attendance
Jim Lease – President
Joe Watkins – Vice President
Randy Plew – Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Brian Pyle – 5th Member – not in attendance – resigned in August 2022 – due to new position – with conflict of interest a possibility.
Financial statements provided by Treasurer were available.
Meeting minutes from 2021 annual meeting provided.
Attendance registration forms were on the tables near the entrance door – attendance registration sheets are at the end of this document.
Jim Lease started the meeting at 09:05AM on September 10th, 2022.
Jim asked that anyone who missed signing in when entering, please show your hand and we will get you a sign in sheet.
Minutes from the 2021 annual meeting were provided and read. No changes offered,
Motion to approve by Plew – 2nd by Don Mathias (member) – Jim asked for a show of hands for approval which was given. A show of hands for not approving – none – motion passed.
Randy’s financial statement reviewed,
Copies were available & handed out.
The Board approved a $5.00 a month service charge so we can get a physical bank statement each month for our records.
A $50.00 donation was approved by the Board and has been provided to the Legion for the use of the facilities. We thank them for their effort in accommodating us each year.
EFAC Board insurance was extended with a locked in rate of $795.00 per year, we have 1 year remaining on the agreement. New insurance will need to be obtained in 2024.
There are 163 pier spots on our records – 105 on-shore and 58 offshore.
Motion to approve financial report by Lease – 2nd by Watkins.
Show of hands for approval – yes – non-approval, none
List of current pier assignments can be found in financial section of the website. Look for the list of invoices sent, and it will show the assignment of each pier location.
Website instructions were provided (
Overview provided – pictures and high-level notes on sign-in page
Most all need information can be found under the DOCUMENTS heading this contains-
Pier information – Wait list – Misc. information
Court documents and rulings
A file for each year – under this you will find the Financial Statements and Board Meeting Minutes
Under the Pier Info header, you will find the Drone video of the Epworth Forrest Lake front.
Question on invoices was asked – it contains
Your name – address – phone # – pier # – and email address
This invoice is mailed to the same location as your tax bill for the property. If you need it mailed elsewhere you will need to contact Randy Plew as he maintains the data base for these mailings.
The stump at 5th Trail is still there, Joe Watkins from EFAC and George Arnold from the Epworth Property Owners Assoc. are both working to have the Church address the issue and get it removed along with the seawall repair.
Don Mathias has brought attention to the EFAC Board that there may be some additional sockets remaining from the Community Pier location which was in front of Huntington-Trinity and Kokomo-Grace cottages. Due to this being late in the season the EFAC Board will address this issue in the Spring of 2023, when the water is typically clearer, any remaining sockets will be identified and removed at EFAC’s expense as ordered by the Kosciusko Circuit Court.
We still have issues with some pier placements and lack of assignments on lake front properties. We are working within the court orders and ruling to address these issues. If you have an issue with a location or lack of assignment, please send the appropriate form with your information to our site ( we will try to address the issue and provide an answer if possible.
Question on Court orders & rulings – as mentioned previously these can be found on the website under the DOCUMENTS section – there are 177 documents concerning Court Judgements – Rulings – and Court Cases involving many issues.
Question again was brought forward concerning the Community Pier and why the Board eliminated it. The Board did not eliminate the community pier, this was a Circuit Court action which was litigated by EFAC and Kokomo/Grace in Circuit Court in Warsaw, Indiana. The court did not rule in EFAC’s favor, and we were instructed to remove the Community pier. Please review the documents on the website as we seem to be reviewing this question every year at the annual meeting.
We need each of you not familiar with the Community pier issue to read the Board Meeting Minutes of 2018 through 2020, along with the Court ruling which eliminated this option from the lake front. Every effort by the pervious EFAC Board and the present Board are documented showing the major effort put forth to keep the Community Pier. Our efforts did not prevail in Circuit Court as you will find in these documents.
Non-payment of pier fees has been an issue for a few properties. EFAC is determined to close this issue by the start of the 2023 season. Liens for onshore members and taking away offshore assignments & reissuing them to members willing to pay the required fee will be pursued. Watch for further information in the EFAC monthly Board meeting minutes.
One new onshore & offshore EFAC member will be needed for the 2023 year. Jim Lease and Joe Watkins will be leaving the Board at the end of the year.
A new 5th Board member is being sought to replace Brian Pyle who resigned. Any suggestions on a replacement can be given to any of the Board members. Watch the monthly Board meeting Minutes for progress in this endeavor.
Meeting closed at 10:10am EST
Gerry Powell – Secretary
- Published in ANNUAL MINUTES
Meeting Minutes July
07/11/2023 Board Meeting
Matt Eberly – President
Bryce Cox – Vice President
Randy Plew-Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Will Gooden – 5th Board Member – Absent – Family Wedding
Board Meeting Minutes for 06/13/2023 were provided via email to each Board Member prior to this meeting for review.
Minutes reviewed by all.
No changes were requested.
No changes were made.
Motion to accept Minutes by Plew
2nd by Cox
All agreed – the motion passed.
R. Plew- Finance report
Balance as of today in checking account = $16572.04
Plus, CD of 20,000.00 at Northwest Bank
Outstanding invoices = three, plus late fees – notices sent by Plew again this week
Two checks were written – USPS for our PO Box and E&O Insurance to W.R.Hall for August 2023 to August 2024. This is the last year of our three-year insurance policy.
Copy of check register and the three outstanding invoices emailed to the Board – these will be posted on the website.
Plew will provide contact information for our E&O insurance policy to Eberly & Cox, so that the new Board can act next year – 2024 – to renew or seek a new policy for E&O insurance.
Emails for address changes sent to our G-mail account by two members have been provided to Plew, who has already updated records for future mailings.
Cox – Community Pier Sockets
Bryce snorkeled in the area where the Community Pier was located. Nine additional sockets were found. Bryce removed two and Lakeland Pier removed the remaining. Payment of the $525 to Lakeland & $200 to Bryce for his removal & coordination with Lakeland will be paid by EFAC when invoices are submitted to Plew. Motion to approve above payments by Powell – 2nd by Eberly – All Agreed
Annual meeting –
This meeting has been set & will be held September 9th at 9AM at the American Legion Hall in North Webster.
Plew will contact the Legion for the room & has been authorized to make a $50.00 donation to the Legion for the use of the facility.
Signs will be posted at the entrances to Epworth Forest as has been done in previous years.
If you are reading these Board Meeting Minutes – please tell your neighbors about the meeting, time & place.
Powell sent email information to both Eberly & Cox concerning access to the EFAC Website prior to the July 4th Holiday.
Powell spoke with Eberly over the 4th Holiday, and he was able to access & review the process of website maintenance – no physical contact meeting was needed.
Powell met with Cox but we were not able to access the site after multiple attempts. Bryce will attempt to access the site again and notify the Board if he is not able to get into the system.
Eberly, will be monitoring the EFAC Gmail site & adding information to the EFAC website that needs posting. Powell will continue to provide back-up as needed. This will ensure the smooth transition to the new Board in 2024 for the above processes.
Next monthly meeting will be the third Tuesday, August 15th at 5pm CST / 6pm EST.
Motion to Adjourn by Plew – 2nd by Cox – All agreed- motion passed.
5:22pm EST
G. Powell – Secretary
Gerry L Powell
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
Check Registry
From 01/01/2023 through 10/10/2023
Sorted by: Date, Type, Number/Ref
Date Number Payee Account Memo Payment C Deposit Balance
01/13/2023 GENERAL FUND – PI… j johnson X 90.00 30,273.63
01/27/2023 1061 HINEN PRINTING Office Supplies Flyer & Envelo… 178.59 X 30,095.04
01/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 30,090.04
02/01/2023 1062 BLUE RIVER DIGI… Office Supplies website hostimg 425.00 X 29,665.04
02/28/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 29,660.04
03/07/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,900.00 31,560.04
03/07/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,810.00 33,370.04
03/14/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,610.00 34,980.04
03/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 34,975.04
04/05/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,950.00 36,925.04
04/10/2023 NORTHWEST BANK GENERAL FUND – PI… 20,000.00 X 16,925.04
04/10/2023 1063 LINK ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 190.00 X 16,735.04
04/30/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 16,730.04
05/04/2023 -split- Deposit X 370.00 17,100.04
05/25/2023 -split- Deposit X 100.00 17,200.04
05/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 10.00 X 17,190.04
07/06/2023 1065 UNITED STATES P… Office Supplies 68.00 X 17,122.04
07/06/2023 1066 W. R. Hall Insurance Insurance Expense 795.00 X 16,327.04
07/11/2023 -split- Deposit 230.00 16,557.04
07/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 16,552.04
08/15/2023 -split- Deposit 100.00 16,652.04
08/29/2023 1067 BLUE RIVER DIGI… Office Supplies signs 42.00 X 16,610.04
08/29/2023 1969 BLOOM, GATES, S… LEGAL 72.00 X 16,538.04
08/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 16,533.04
09/01/2023 1066 BRYCE COX GROUP PIER EXPEN… SOCKET REM… 200.00 X 16,333.04
09/01/2023 1068 LAKELAND PIER GROUP PIER EXPEN… SOCKET REM… 525.00 X 15,808.04
09/30/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 15,803.04
Check Registry updated to 8/15/23
From 01/01/2023 through 08/15/2023
Sorted by: Date, Type, Number/Ref
Date Number Payee Account Memo Payment C Deposit Balance
01/13/2023 GENERAL FUND – PI… j johnson X 90.00 30,273.63
01/27/2023 1061 HINEN PRINTING Office Supplies Flyer & Envelo… 178.59 X 30,095.04
01/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 30,090.04
02/01/2023 1062 BLUE RIVER DIGI… Office Supplies website hostimg 425.00 X 29,665.04
02/28/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 29,660.04
03/07/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,900.00 31,560.04
03/07/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,810.00 33,370.04
03/14/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,610.00 34,980.04
03/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 34,975.04
04/05/2023 -split- Deposit * 1,950.00 36,925.04
04/10/2023 NORTHWEST BANK GENERAL FUND – PI… 20,000.00 16,925.04
04/10/2023 1063 LINK ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 190.00 * 16,735.04
05/04/2023 -split- Deposit 370.00 17,105.04
05/25/2023 -split- Deposit 100.00 17,205.04
07/06/2023 1065 UNITED STATES P… Office Supplies 68.00 17,137.04
07/06/2023 1066 W. R. Hall Insurance Insurance Expense 795.00 16,342.04
07/11/2023 -split- Deposit 230.00 16,572.04
08/15/2023 -split- Deposit 100.00 16,672.04
July Meeting Minutes
07/11/2023 Board Meeting
Matt Eberly – President
Bryce Cox – Vice President
Randy Plew-Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Will Gooden – 5th Board Member – Absent – Family Wedding
Board Meeting Minutes for 06/13/2023 were provided via email to each Board Member prior to this meeting for review.
Minutes reviewed by all.
No changes were requested.
No changes were made.
Motion to accept Minutes by Plew
2nd by Cox
All agreed – the motion passed.
R. Plew- Finance report
Balance as of today in checking account = $16572.04
Plus, CD of 20,000.00 at Northwest Bank
Outstanding invoices = three, plus late fees – notices sent by Plew again this week
Two checks were written – USPS for our PO Box and E&O Insurance to W.R.Hall for August 2023 to August 2024. This is the last year of our three-year insurance policy.
Copy of check register and the three outstanding invoices emailed to the Board – these will be posted on the website.
Plew will provide contact information for our E&O insurance policy to Eberly & Cox, so that the new Board can act next year – 2024 – to renew or seek a new policy for E&O insurance.
Emails for address changes sent to our G-mail account by two members have been provided to Plew, who has already updated records for future mailings.
Cox – Community Pier Sockets
Bryce snorkeled in the area where the Community Pier was located. Nine additional sockets were found. Bryce removed two and Lakeland Pier removed the remaining. Payment of the $525 to Lakeland & $200 to Bryce for his removal & coordination with Lakeland will be paid by EFAC when invoices are submitted to Plew. Motion to approve above payments by Powell – 2nd by Eberly – All Agreed
Annual meeting –
This meeting has been set & will be held September 9th at 9AM at the American Legion Hall in North Webster.
Plew will contact the Legion for the room & has been authorized to make a $50.00 donation to the Legion for the use of the facility.
Signs will be posted at the entrances to Epworth Forest as has been done in previous years.
If you are reading these Board Meeting Minutes – please tell your neighbors about the meeting, time & place.
Powell sent email information to both Eberly & Cox concerning access to the EFAC Website prior to the July 4th Holiday.
Powell spoke with Eberly over the 4th Holiday, and he was able to access & review the process of website maintenance – no physical contact meeting was needed.
Powell met with Cox but we were not able to access the site after multiple attempts. Bryce will attempt to access the site again and notify the Board if he is not able to get into the system.
Eberly, will be monitoring the EFAC Gmail site & adding information to the EFAC website that needs posting. Powell will continue to provide back-up as needed. This will ensure the smooth transition to the new Board in 2024 for the above processes.
Next monthly meeting will be the third Tuesday, August 15th at 5pm CST / 6pm EST.
Motion to Adjourn by Plew – 2nd by Cox – All agreed- motion passed.
5:22pm EST
G. Powell – Secretary
Gerry L Powell
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
June meeting minutes
06/13/2023 Board Meeting
Matt Eberly – President
Bryce Cox – Vice President
Randy Plew-Treasurer
Gerry Powell – Secretary
Will Gooden – 5th Board Member
Board Meeting Minutes for 05/09/2023 were provided via email on 05/15/2023 at 9:14pn CST to each
Board Member prior to this meeting for review.
Minutes reviewed by all.
No changes were requested.
No changes were made.
Motion to accept Minutes by Plew
2nd by Eberly
All agreed – the motion passed.
R. Plew- Finance report
2-deposits were made –
Balance as of today in checking account = $17,203.94
Plus, CD of 20,000.00 at Northwest Bank
Outstanding invoices = seven for a total of #350.00, plus late fees of #20.00
Copy of check register and the seven outstanding invoices have been posted on website.
Website registration fee is coming due. Randy has been authorized to pay the fee when it arrives by the
It is time to file the Business Entity Report for 2023. The Board has contacted our attorney Matt
Shipmen and his firm will file the necessary paperwork to accomplish this. The Board has further
authorized Plew to pay the invoice for this filing when submitted by Shipman.
Pier 64A location has been reviewed by the Board. It complies and has not been installed in the wrong
location. After physical review by Powell, Plew and Cox and further review of the drone mapping
footage on the website. Pier 64A is in the correct location. The question of location came about because
of the remodeling of the home at this location and the landscaping changes made on the shoreline.
These changes gave a different view of the location from both the lake and the view from Wade Drive.
Pier 52A has a similar situation as to landscaping changes made to the shoreline. This pier was located
at the site of the tree which was taken down in a storm and the stump removal we tracked for many
months. When the Church removed the stump & repaired the seawall at this location it again gave us a
different look from the lake & down the easement from Wade Drive. Again, in reviewing the drone
footage it was determined that this pier is compliant with the location documented in the drone
Bryce has snorkeled area of the old community pier. Five additional sockets were found that need to be
removed. Bryce has been able to remove two himself, which he will send a bill to EFAC for payment.
Bryce indicated he may be able to remove an additional socket, which EFAC will pay him for if it can be
accomplished. The remaining sockets will take additional extensive work to remove. Bryce has been
authorized to contact Lakeland Pier Company to schedule this work ASAP and have them submit their
invoice to EFAC for payment.
Eberly and Cox will meet with Powell over the July 4th holiday week to discuss and review how the
website is accessed for posting documents.
Next Board Meet on July 11th, 2023, at 6pm Eastern time.
Motion to Adjourn by Cox – 2
nd by Plew – All agreed- motion passed.
6:30pm EST
G. Powell – Secretary
Gerry L Powell
- Published in MONTHLY MINUTES
Check Register Jan to July 2023
From 01/01/2023 through 07/11/2023
Sorted by: Date, Type, Number/Ref
Date Number Payee Account Memo Payment C Deposit Balance
01/13/2023 GENERAL FUND – PI… j johnson X 90.00 30,273.63
01/27/2023 1061 HINEN PRINTING Office Supplies Flyer & Envelo… 178.59 X 30,095.04
01/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 30,090.04
02/01/2023 1062 BLUE RIVER DIGI… Office Supplies website hostimg 425.00 X 29,665.04
02/28/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 29,660.04
03/07/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,900.00 31,560.04
03/07/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,810.00 33,370.04
03/14/2023 -split- Deposit X 1,610.00 34,980.04
03/31/2023 Bank Service Charges Service Charge 5.00 X 34,975.04
04/05/2023 -split- Deposit * 1,950.00 36,925.04
04/10/2023 NORTHWEST BANK GENERAL FUND – PI… 20,000.00 16,925.04
04/10/2023 1063 LINK ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 190.00 * 16,735.04
05/04/2023 -split- Deposit 370.00 17,105.04
05/25/2023 -split- Deposit 100.00 17,205.04
07/06/2023 1065 UNITED STATES P… Office Supplies 68.00 17,137.04
07/06/2023 1066 W. R. Hall Insurance Insurance Expense 795.00 16,342.04
07/11/2023 -split- Deposit 230.00 16,572.04